In the bustling core of Block Bazaar, among data traders and code architects, we find Nick, a sage from the enigmatic planet Hormon. Known for his futuristic vision, Nick is dedicated to enlightening Bazaar's curious visitors and permanent residents on the advanced principles of "Modular Universes".
He began each session by weaving stories that connected constellations of data to the tangible realities of his audience, promising a journey through a cosmos where every block and every transaction opened the door to worlds of unexplored possibilities. And so began his story...
"In the early days, Bazaar was a place where stars were systems of code and galaxies were networks of interlocking data, a digital cosmos where everything was one: the Monolithic Universe.
But on the vast canvas of virtuality, an unprecedented phenomenon took place: the Big Bang of Celestia. From this singular point of origin, an explosion of creativity gave birth to a new order, the Modular universe. Entities called Rollups and L2s spread like seeds of code through digital space, each with its own set of rules, free from previous rulers.
In Monolithic, nodes, like digital oracles, maintained the universal truth of the chain. Each new block was a pact of integrity. But as the universe expanded, and transactions grew in number and complexity, the oracles struggled. They were shackled by their own architecture, condemned to a static block size and the enslavement of infinite resources.
Ethereum, the precursor civilisation, was the first to generalise the laws of the blockchain, transforming a simple calculator into a computer with infinite possibilities. But even this great machine was limited by a single virtual reality, the EVM.
In the new era of modular universes, Celestia's light nodes, like tiny but powerful mystics, could check the status of the chain without increasing resources. No more fixed block sizes, no more limitations. Size could fluctuate like tides in an ocean of data.
Code architects could now choose their playgrounds at the execution layers, without being tied to a specific virtual machine. Celestia, the origin, did not dictate the rules of the game, it only offered the board: a raw block space, ready to be moulded to the creator's vision
Rollups, like custom planets, formed around Celestia, each with its own climate, its own gravity, its own rules. And so, like a data network rather than a data centre, Celestia became the beating heart of the Modular Bazaar.
The real magic lay in the Modular Stack technique, the art of combining layers such as Consensus, DA, Execution and Settlement, as if they were pieces of a cosmic jigsaw puzzle. The Sovereign Rollups, each with its own identity and purpose, formed a mosaic of solutions, a galaxy of opportunities..
In the vastness of modular space, Celestia was not just a beacon of infrastructure, but the catalyst for a thousand web3 futures, a promise of freedom and possibility in the very fabric of digital reality. And so begins our cosmic odyssey…"
Here ends this first episode in the vibrant Block Bazaar, we invite you to dive even deeper into this fascinating universe, don't miss the workshop "Introduction to Modular Blockchains|Infinite Space Bazaar Hackathon Workshop 02" presented by Nick White.
Join our community on this cosmic journey and be part of modular innovation - see you in the next chapter of this exciting saga!